Back from Cape Town
So I arrived back from Cape Town this morning, all excited to see how everything got on in my mums hands since I left.
Of the 9 eggs I put under the broody hen 3 weeks ago, only 1 chick fully hatched out. The hen had pushed 2 of them out herself and after candling them before I left I found that 2 more had not developed, this leaving 5, 2 of these were half hatched dead and the other 2 never hatched. I have 22 more eggs in the incubator and they are due on Thursday. I plan on moving some chicks down to the broody hen when they hatch.
The goats are great but not a sign of them having their kids, I have to look up yoghurt makers during the next few days.
The veg garden is suffering from the prolonged cold period, the onions are struggling as is everything else.