Adapting the nuc hives


Most of my bees are kept in Rose Hives, this is a relatively new hive design but I like it because all the boxes and frames are the same size so can be easily moved and placed anywhere in the hive that they are needed. This is difficult to do in traditional haves such as the National Hive as brood frames are deep and super frames are shallow.

I bought 4 nucleus hives (nucs) back in June. There are no rose nucs on the market so I bought national nucs and planned on putting wooden inserts in the bottom to raise the floor up to the correct size for the rose frames. That never happened until now, I noticed the other day doing an inspection that the bees were building comb down under the frames so it was time to address the problem before it spread to all the hives. I used 2 pieces of ply and cut a hole in the centre for the mesh floor.

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