Poly-tunnel update


It was 14 degrees in the tunnel this afternoon, the lettuce planted last week by Wesley is doing great, we may have some fresh salad for Xmas.

The last of the courgettes picked and the old plants cleared out.

Last of the tomatoes picked, some are ripe or nearly ripe and the rest will be used to make some more green tomato jam and chutney. Its hard to believe I'm still picking tomatoes a couple of days before December.

The garlic I planted directly outside in the beginning of October never came up, so the new batch I planted in modular trays is coming along nicely in the tunnel. It should over winter nicely in the tunnel and be ready to plant out into the veg garden around the end of March.

The onions I planted outside in October were the same as the garlic, virtually nothing sprouted and grew. The second batch in the modular trays are doing well and hopefully will catch up being overwintered in the tunnel.