Oops I missed a small queen cell...SWARM


I got a surprise in the home apiary when I saw this nice cluster of bees hanging out of one of the small apple trees. I wasnt expecting any hives to swarm but looking at the two in the orchard I found that I missed a small little capped emergency queen cell. I had divided a double brood langstroth hive over on the oil seed rape before bringing it home. I had left it 4 days and left one nice queen cell and broke down all the emergency cells they had made but forgot one on the very last frame in the bottom corner.2015-06-11 15.29.20Oh well, it happens from time to time but luckily I was there to catch it. Wesley held the nuc box while I shook the swarm down into the box. I left them there for a couple of hours and then moved them down to the bottom of the field. The princess is a virgin so will still need to get mated before she becomes a queen and starts to get the new colony up and running.2015-06-11 15.34.51This little video shows the bees fanning at the entrance to the nuc to tell the remaining bees outside that queen is inside and they have a new home.[embed]https://youtu.be/btBYQssUFRc[/embed]

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