Garlic and onions


I lifted the first 8x4 ft bed of garlic and think its the best crop we have got so far...2015-06-25 15.00.58I put it hanging in the polytunnel and will leave it there for a few days to dry out before I prepare them for storage...2015-07-01 19.41.09and here too...2015-07-01 19.41.21 The October planted onion sets are swelling fast and already starting to bolt to seed here and there so I decided to bend all of them over to try and stop them from flowering. The idea is that the plant will stop trying to flower and pull all the energy back down into the bulb and make another attempt to flower in the future by which time the onion will be long eaten :-) The March sown bulbs are still pretty small and will not be ready before the end of August...  2015-06-25 15.24.34Some of the onions that have flowers on them can be used straight away in cooking and salads...2015-06-25 15.55.14