Boeuf Bourguignon on the menu this evening


Tonight we had boeuf bourguignon on the menu, takes a bit of preparation but is well worth the wait. I started off by taking a kilo of our Dexter shin beef from the freezer this morning to defrost.2015-01-11 15.35.37The beef is cut up into large pieces and tossed in flour, salt & pepper and then browned in small batches in rape seed oil and butter. Its important not to cook too much at the same time as the meat will be steamed rather than browned.2015-01-11 18.49.38The meat is left to one side and then the button mushrooms and onions are added. The onions are the one that Chris pickled back in September and they smell great. Onions and mushrooms are left to brown and then removed as well.2015-01-11 19.13.10Then the finely chopped onions and the streaky bacon is added and left to soften and the bacon should turn brown.2015-01-11 19.21.11Then everything is added back into the pot along with 5 cloves of crushed garlic, 2 bay leaves, large sprig of thyme, 200ml of stock and the most important ingredient, a bottle of decent red wine.2015-01-11 19.30.02After another wait of 90 minutes its ready and best served with some boiled potatoes.2015-01-11 21.13.57I will put up the full recipe when I get a chance.