Some of the beehives now over on the Oil Seed Rape (OSR) bees, wwoofersOlly Nolan27 April 2015Comment
Started to make the first batch of goats cheese yesterday bees, cheese, dairy, goats, kitchenOlly Nolan13 April 2015Comment
New beehives arrived and we have been busy getting ready for the season bees, workshop, wwoofersOlly Nolan4 April 2015Comment
Some pics of the fallen varroa on the bottom boards underneath the hives after their treatment beesOlly Nolan31 January 2015Comment
One of the hives out in the mid-day sun and its only 6.7 degrees beesOlly Nolan22 January 2015Comment
The first of this years summer honey in new square jars bees, honey, preservesOlly Nolan20 October 2014Comment