Sausages and fry up for dinner


Tonight was sausage making time, again never done this before so was a bit daunting when I started out. I decided to play it safe for the first time so thought I would keep the seasonings pretty simple to begin with and just used salt and white pepper. I divided up the rest of the sausage meat into bag to freeze and will make sausages or chorizo at a later date...

On with the sausage stuffer attachment on the Kenwood and off we go. I'm using 24mm hog casings and when I unpacked them they looked like spaghetti and were pretty hard to get onto the stuffer tube. I was on my own as Chris was away and found it pretty difficult to do, you really need three hands, one to stuff the meat, one releases the casings and the third guides the meat into the sausage. I had been using my elbow to push the meat down into the stuffer but after making one length of sausage I called my neighbor Elsa to come over to help with the second one...

Not bad linking skills for a first time effort...

 Will bag them up tomorrow and put int he freezer...

 Pudding was ready so needed to give this a try for dinner...

Yum yum yum...

food, porkOlly NolanComment